Cabler Support

How can we help? Below are answers to freguently asked questions (FAQ).

User IDs and log in

If your company already uses the Cabler, the administrator will give you your own User ID. If not, please contact our customer service asiakaspalvelu(at) and we will open a Cabler account for your company.

Once your username has been created by the administrator, it will be sent to your email address. It is valid immediately. After that we will recommend that you log in to Cabler website and change your password.

You can log in to the Cabler website at and clik "Kirjaudu sisään" or write on the address line

The Cabler mobile application is available for download on both Android and iOS. The download links are at the bottom of this page and in the email you received with your username.

If you have administrator credentials, you can create an unlimited number of new user accounts in the Cabler. Log in to the web application, then click on Settings - Users - New User. Finally press save and the new user will receive an email with their username.

If you have user accounts, please ask your company's administrator to open new accounts or update your account to administrator.

The administrator always has all rights by default. Similarly, the user has no rights to any project or site by default.

The user is assigned permissions either by the project (Projects - Edit project - Shared with users) or by the user (Settings - Users - Name - Shared projects).

The user can: update the drum card (comments, cable usage and change the work site) and the drum location.

The user cannot add or delete: drums, users, projects, sites or cables. Nor can the user download excel files, reports or view information related to the drum refund.

Changing your own password:
1) Log in to the Cabler web app
2) Click on 'your name' under the Cabler logo on the left.
3) Enter your new password and press 'change'.

Changing password for another user:
1) Log in to the Cabler web app
2) Press Settings - Users and select the user whose password you want to change
3) Enter the new password and press 'change'.

Note: Only the main user can change passwords for other user accounts.

You can request a new password from the 'Forgot your password?' login page of the web application by entering your username. A new temporary password will be sent to you by e-mail.

Alternatively, you can ask your company administrator to change your password for you (path: Settings - Users - Name - Change password).

Cabler first generates a username for the user based on their name, e.g. Matti Meikäläinen --> matme22.

You can log in to Cabler using either the username (matme22) or the email address ( associated with your account.

Please note that if, for any reason, two different usernames are opened with the same e-mail address, you must use the first username (matme22).

Log in to the Cabler web application, go to Settings - Users and click on the name of the user you wish to delete. Then click on the 'delete' button at the bottom left of the ID card and confirm that you wish to delete the user.

User IDs are deleted immediately and cannot be recovered. If you accidentally delete the wrong User ID, you can create a new User ID for them in Settings - Users - New User.

Note: Only the main user can delete User IDs. It is in everyone's interest that the user list is kept up to date and that there are no old users (e.g. summer worker IDs) on the lists.

Cabler FAQ

Waiting for collection/transport- Transport is ordered
In transport - The transport company has picked up drums from the factory
Delivered - The drums have been delivered to the destination
Received - The drums have been received by the user or it is 14 days of delivery.
Cable used - Cable has been deducted from the drum. The amount of cable does not match to the original amount.
Little left - Less than 150 m of cable in the drum.
Empty - Empty drum.
At the return point- The drum have been received and scanned at the return point.

Each Reka's drum is marked as follows:
- drum type e.g. K26 with spray paint
- drum number, metal plate, e.g. 123456

-> The drum number on orders, packing lists and in the Cabler is 26K123456
-> Each drum has a drum label on the flange with the drum number and corresponding QR code

Open the scanner and instead of reading the QR code, press 'enter drum number' and enter the drum number as it appears in Cabler.

E.g. REKA CABLE: reel type + number = e.g. 26K123456

The drum card will open and you can update the drum information and location.

Note: The Cabler drum return currently only applies to The Reka Cable drums. If you have added other drums to the Cabler, you can archive them.

1) Fill in the Reka Cable drum return form and tick the box Cabler yes (if you use the Cabler and the drums are in the Cabler)
2) Return the drums to the Reka Cable drum return point
3) When the drum status changes to "palautuspisteellä" (=at the return point) the return point has performed a drum condition assessment
4) The Reka Cable then accepts the drum return and pays the credits
5) The drum return is saved in the drum returns tab per drum
6) There is a Cabler reference number on the credit note e.g 10036, by entering it in the search field of the drum returns tab, you will see all the drums that this credit note applies to.

The first time you make a Cabler drum return, we recommend you contact the Cabler customer service in advance.

Only one client reference can be on a credit note. So if you make a Cabler drum return with 10 drums with reference XY and 10 drums with reference JK, you will receive two separate credit notes.

The client reference is saved for each drum in the returns tab.

A customer reference can be, for example:
- invoice handler
- project number/name or work site number/name
- transport document number

1) open the drum card, press edit and add the client reference
2) Select multiple drums from the drum list, press 'change customer reference' from the menu, enter the customer reference and save. (Cabler Premium only)

Before the drum return:
- You know the number and location of empty drums
- You can add a reference to the drums by mass or per drum
- You can allocate a drum return to a specific project or work site code/name

During the drum return:
- each drum is scanned at the return point
- when the drum have been received and scanned at the return point, the status change to "palautuspisteellä" (=at the return point)
- drums are on the map at the return point as long as Reka has made the recycling decision
- every drum that cannot be returned to circulation is photographed and saved to Cabler

After the drum return:
-you can find each return decisions from drum returns tab
-you can see the drum life cycle time
-for detailed analysis you can load the data into excel

Features of the Cabler Premium

You can add a drum and cable to the Cabler regardless of the manufacturer;

In the web application: Drum list --> 'New Drum' button

In the mobile application: Open the scanner --> press (+) and add a new drum

Archiving on the web application:
a) open the drum card and press "Arkistoi" (=to archive)
b) open the drums list, select one or more drums and press "Arkistoi" (=to archive)

Drums in archive can be restored to active.

Open the drums list and select "Arkisto" (=archive)
a) open the drum card and press the "Palauta" (=restore)
b) open the drums list, select one or more drums and press "Palauta" (=restore)

Drums in archive can be permanently deleted.

Open the drums list and select "Arkisto" (=archive)
a) open the drum card and press "Poista" (=delete)
b) open the drums list, select one or more drums and press "Poista" (=delete)

The drum number can be any unique identifier, a combination of letters and/or numbers, that appears on the drum.

The Cabler reads both QR codes and barcodes.

When you are next to the drum, open the Cabler mobile app, open the scanner and press the (+) button. Scan the QR or barcode on the drum to generate the drum number on the drum card. Then, add the cable type and number of meters and any additional information if required. Finally, press 'Save'.

If the drum is in such a condition that you believe it will not be refunded:

When the drum is empty, archive the drum and delete it if you wish. You can add a comment with the reason why the drum was archived.

Remember to recycle the drum properly, for wood and metal recycling, or even as a garden table in the cottage.

1) Go to Settings - Companies -New Company
2) Fill in the required information and press save
3) Clik the name of relevant company and enter 'Company Linking '-> Add an email from any administrator of the company you want to link to your company -> Press Send Request
4) The administrator will receive an email from which they can approve your request.

You can share any project with another company in the Cabler once the link request has been approved.

1) Go to the project tab
2) Select the project you want to share and press 'edit project'
3) Go to 'Shared to companies' and select the company from the drop-down menu and click Add
4) You can add sharing at any time from the drop-down menu.

Note that the Project tab will show 'Shared from Company X' or 'Shared to Company Y' for each project.

Huomaa, että Projekti -välilehdelle kunkin projektin yhteydessä lukee 'Jaettu yritykseltä X' tai vastaavasti 'Jaettu yritykselle Y"

1) go to the project tab
2) select the right project and press 'edit project'
3) Below the heading 'Shared to Company' is a list of companies to which the projects have been shared
4) Press the X button for the company whose sharing you want to delete.

1) go to settings - companies
2) In the list, press the name of the company whose linking you want to delete
3) From the business card, click on the 'Cancel' button under the 'Company linking' heading

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