Take-over function – A new feature of Cabler

The expected drums take-over function will streamline the drums return process. Download the latest version of Cabler from the app store and register as a Cabler user. Through Cabler, you can track your drums returns, view refund decisions and speed up the processing of your returns.

Drums of Reka Cable are transferred to Cabler at the delivery stage of the sales order. Often in a drum cycle, ownership of the drum changes from the original purchaser to the user and ultimately to the returning party. Cabler’s return was blocked by a “wrong owner”. Now a new feature – drum takeover – enables digital Cabler returns. By scanning the reel’s QR code, Cabler will notify if the user is not the owner of the drum and ask if they want to initiate a takeover. Once all the drums to be taken over have been read, an acceptance request is sent to the owner. Once approved, the drums can be tracked by the new owner in their own projects and returned to Cabler as a return. Drum management with Cabler streamlines the various steps in the drum cycle and speeds up the processing of drum returns.